Hi, I’m Jess.
I have a teaching degree in Physical Education and Special Education. I also have a Masters in Science with a Technology Certificate.
I thought I would do a little write up explaining how I ended up here. J
I have lived on four continents (with my son) and have learned a lot from my travels. I moved back to Canada and ended up travelling to Costa Rica with my partner for Christmas. A terrible incident happened four days after my birthday, and left me shattered. I came home and was traumatized. I was a bit wayward and was willing to try anything to figure out how to be ok. I met a wonderful lady, whom I now call a friend, and she took me to a belief re-patterning session. It was great. I tried it and felt better… to some degree. I was less afraid. We then went to an expo and found these “tone” things. We did the free reading and I decided to order my Personal Frequencies and hers. A computer analyzes your voice and creates personal frequencies that are meant to re-train the parts of your brain that are in disharmony and change old patterns that exist. I was willing to try just about anything.
I have been listening to them faithfully. Honestly, the first few times it took me a couple tries to get through them. One day as I was sitting listening to me, myself, and I chat in my head, I realized that I didn’t have to be a part of that argument anymore. I could observe. After a long day at work, I turn them on and my body just seems to take a deep breath and relax. I believe the tones have been a crucial aspect of my continuing on my journey in healing and learning about the life I want to continue create.
BTW. My friend, who didn’t want her tones, is ready for her second set.
Lots of love,
So here is how you get your tones to get you started to see if they can help your life too!
Getting your personalized frequencies is as easy as 1,2,3…This offer is a special offer for those exploring this opportunity with Jess Petrov.
This offer includes your personal tones plus a FREE reading of your chart.
Regular value $75 CDN, Price for tones and reading of the chart is $50 CDN.
How do you get your soul tones? Simply follow the steps set out below and take another step to assisting you on your journey of letting go of limiting beliefs patterns and stories .
1) Take a “voice sample”. You can get your personal frequencies tones simply by using a cell phone. Find the voice recorder on your cell phone and take a 10 to 20-second voice sample saying a specific phrase. Start speaking before you press record so there is no blank space at the beginning.
What do I say?
Bay Bee Bye Bow Boo, Hay Hee Hye Ho Who
Say an affirmation like “I am LOVE”.
2) Name the voice sample with your first name and date and then email the sample to: petrovjess@gmail.com.
3) Remit payment using Paypal below.
4) Within 24 hours of remitting payment and sending us your voice sample, you can download your new personal frequencies and your voice chart at: My Soul Tones. From there you can download the new tones and copy them onto the player of your choice or burn them onto a CD.
5) As part of your purchase, we are offering a free one on one Voice chart reading. If you wish to connect and go through your personal voice chart (approximately 15 minutes) please send Jess a note with several days and times that work for you and we will set up a ZOOM call to walk through what your voice is saying to you!