Support….hmmm… interesting question..So what do we mean by this? Our goal with this section of the website it so see how can we help you understand what you are researching and if you have purchased a service or product, how we can help you get the most of your financial investment…. Let’s make the most of the journey….
If you have more questions or need more information please reach out. We will add more as we are inspired and your questions inspire us to share what we have learned so far:)
You will notice from the menu we have;
Everyone: general information application for anyone and anyone…
Technology (instrument) Owner: This area is dedicated to those who have invested there money and energy in a beautiful instrument. Might be boring for anyone who has not bought something but ‘have a read’ and see if it makes sense to you…
Sound Coach: This area is for those who have made a decision in there lives to use these amazing tools of transformation to help others let go of their blocks and raise their consciousness to live in love. Maybe you will find something there for you too:)
FAQs: Okay this is where the rubber hits the road.. Tough questions answered to the best of our ability… If you have questions use the about us / contact us and we will do our best to declare “we have no idea'” when we answer your question..Might even get a post here…. LOL
Tips and Tricks: We like to share things we learn along the journey of love and consciousness… This is the area that Andrea and I post this type of information… Let us know if you have ideas and we will post them here..
Admin Login: just for Andrea and Liam…