Clearing the Way to Higher States of Consciousness – Using Technology and Choosing Love at the beautiful Ecology Retreat Centre just North of Toronto!!!
Are you struggling with moving forward in your life? Having trouble quieting your fears? Not feeling worthy of a great life? Looking for a loved based community? Then this weekend retreat is for you!
Come and experience profound speakers, experiences, tools, and life-supporting technologies to help all of us let go of our limiting stories and beliefs and help us all step more strongly into love.
The core of what we are creating and bringing to our weekend retreat is to help remind you to be the real you, open to the possibilities, open to the impossible, open to love using sound, frequency, and life-supporting technologies.
Workshops include: Accessing Your Hearts Intelligence, Language of your Soul, Stepping Fully Into your Dream, Conscious Business, Conscious Life and much much more!
You will leave the weekend feeling more self-love, empowered to take the first step to trust yourself and make a difference in this world, feel a sense of joy and hope again, find a community of support centered in love.
Come and experience profound speakers, experiences, tools, and technologies to help all of us let go of our stories and step into love. Everyone will leave with tools to help them continue their journey of consciousness and expansion of love.
If you wish to get a sense of what this weekend is all about, check out this quick 3-minute video shot at our last event –
See the detailed agenda and more about what your weekend includes on our website at –
What does the weekend include and can I get there easily from Toronto!
Yes if you wish to join us this location can easily be accessed from Toronto Pearson Airport. (if you choose to fly in:) If you need details or help please let us know and we can help you get there!!!
This event includes either a two night or three-night shared accommodation options starting Friday, December 1st. (private room accommodations are available for an extra single room fee**)
In addition to experiencing amazing people, workshops, and experiences, each attendee will receive a free set of personal frequencies, one bottle of structured hexagonal water and a “voice chart reading” on Sunday afternoon or Monday along with access to experience “Conscious Technologies” to help you learn and integrate.
Pricing, options and what does it include?
Weekend event pass for all experiences from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon ending at 2:30 pm, including all meals starting with Saturday breakfast, and either two night or three night shared accommodation
Two night shared accommodation- $533 plus HST ( or two easy payments of $301.15)
Three-night shared accommodation- $633 plus HST (or two easy payment of $357.64).
**** 5% of the profit of all events goes into a “Pay It Forward Program” to help finance the attendance for those that cannot afford to attend******
Payment plans are available. Eventbrite does not offer payment plans but we can arrange that quite easily using Paypal if you wish. Find out more details from one of the organizers or click here at Contact us for details.
If money is the only thing stopping you from coming please contact one of the organizers and let’s see what we can do to help ensure you do not let money stop you from your own evolution of consciousness.
Bonus Sunday and Monday offer!
Over the last few years, we have found it extremely important to stay in nature and reflect on what you realized during the weekend events. So stay an extra night or come back on Monday to help you integrate.
What are we offering Sunday afternoon and evening and Monday?
This event will officially end at 2:30 on Sunday, December 3rd. However, you can choose to stay Sunday and even Sunday evening if you wish to integrate with nature or take advantage of booking private sessions with world-class practitioners from around the country to help you integrate from the weekend’s experiences.
Each attendee will receive a free set of personal frequencies, one bottle of structured hexagonal water and a “voice chart reading” on Sunday afternoon or Monday along with access to experience “Conscious Technologies” to help you learn and integrate.
Booking for Sunday afternoon and Monday sessions can be done at the weekend event or in advance. See website for details at –
Tickets will be limited to the first 100 registered.
Deadline for registration is Friday, November 24th.
With anticipation and love,
Andrea, Bill and the ever-growing Clearly Conscious Community.