Dear Andrea,
It was so wonderful to gather again among the technology and to see you and Bill and some familiar faces last evening 🙂 I’m still riding the residual love waves! lol!
I was so grateful that you came back to offer chance to gather again so soon! There has been so much going on around me, and the time out to sit with like-minded people really helped me to increase my vibration and realign to the new shift in my life.
I have been dealing with the death of someone very close to me through suicide and it has impacted me like nothing I have experienced before. I think the worst of it is behind me and I am ready for closure now. The service is today. After last night, I feel I can go there and stay in the vibration of love more strongly and keep myself balanced more effectively.
I know the energy on the planet now has such far-reaching effects on so many levels in all of us. Keep going, you and Bill, with exposing more and more people with this amazing technology – it is so needed; especially now!
I was inspired by the new direction that you talked about with bringing people together through community. Yes, what we all are crying out for now IS connection and sharing, validation and contribution in our own way. Each one of us has something to add to this planet; I believe that. It’s time.
So, anyway – I’m grateful for you guys and I just wanted to send you a reminder to send me the new tones please! I don’t want to be without them 🙂
Love you guys,