Why did you decide to begin the clearing session for yourself?
- I was experiencing overwhelming sadness & felt very stuck.
- I was emotionally exhausted and felt like I had hit a wall.
- Everything seemed impossible to move through emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally, I felt like giving up.
- I was unable to adjust my perspective, a tug of war of internal conflict brewed inside of me.
- I felt so blocked.
- I noticed I could not maintain any peaceful emotion for any amount of time.
- Happiness was fleeting and quickly I would be reduced to sadness or anger.
- Usually from fear, feeling unworthy, along with other beliefs I was not even aware of.
- I noticed that my natural tendencies worked against me.
- For example my ability to highly focus is quite helpful to complete tasks, write & create.
- During this tough time my focus seemed to be keeping me stuck and in a negative
- loop in my head constantly with no resolve, just despair.
- This process inevitably sabotaged me further which reduced my ability to let go of fear.
- Hence the feeling of being blocked which I was consciously & unconsciously creating.
- I was emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted from being in a heavy and intense state for a long time. My system had weakened over time and I knew I needed help. I could no longer carry on the way that I had been.
Something needed to change. Fast!!!
- I felt repressed, literally held down.
- I felt as though I had been caught in a spider web.
- I felt tethered, not completely free, which created huge amount of frustration
- It felt as though I was energetically being pulled in so many directions.
- To the point that my emotional, mental, physical, spiritual functioning was reduced to the point that I really was not functioning in any productive way.
- Just getting through the day was challenging
Why did you decide to begin clearing for your house?
I had spent much time at home in a state of deep unhappiness. Every worry, thought, argument, fear looping conversation in my head was still hanging out with me. I felt it would be like an energetic housecleaning.
As I work out of my home, I felt it was a good idea to clear the house as well. Clients come for sessions and I wanted to feel that energy was cleared. Even our phone conversations, thoughts, tv & radio broadcasts can affect our home.
After all the events that have happened in my home over the last many years it feels like energetic clearing is a very important thing to consider as I spend much time at home. Being sensitive to my environment it feels empowering to know that I removed any energy that no longer serves me.
What have you noticed since you began your clearing?
- I feel more like myself that I have in a long time.
- As though I am in alignment with myself.
- I am on the same team as myself.
- I feel like being much kinder to myself
- It feels really important to love myself completely
- I actually feel as thou I am remembering who I am (like a deja vu)
- Like I am remembering that I forgot who I am, & then it feels like an old familiar friend that you just love and have not seen in ages arrives.. Sorta like a reunion.
- This really increases my confidence.
- That feels so so so amazing
- I feel the support I give myself, it is tangible, I feel appreciative of myself
- My space (within me & outside of me) feels clearer, vast, unentangled, untethered
- I feel there is so much room for me to grow, the space around me feels lighter
- I feel like there are so many possibilities available to me
- Like I am a river & I flow where I choose, no path to follow, no rules, no interference
- My thoughts have a clarity about them (not influenced by fear but love)
- My mind feels “not busy” like no traffic on the road, there is a stillness
- This space allows me to actually grow, my home feels supportive, more comforting
- I am experiencing an internal clarity, tug of war hugely reduced to almost nothing
- Awareness of the rabbit hole. As soon as I am engaging in any thoughts or words that are not in alignment with who I really am, I feel “contained” as if I was actually physically in a rabbit hole. It feels repressive and very disempowering and I am able to quickly and willingly (no resistance) to choose how I would prefer to feel.
- I was completely unable to maneuver myself in this productive way before the clearing.
- The resistance to changing was so huge before the clearing that “letting go” of a comment, fight, misunderstanding before was not possible, if anything I would engage deeper in the despair but now my physical form can literally not tolerate my personal expression of fear, anger, etc.
- My choice point is extended.
- As I am not as reactionary as I was before.
- My reactions before the clearing seemed to come straight from the fight & flight very quickly
- As thou fight & flight was deposited on top of me & I could not function any other way
- Now everything is completely different
- Time has become less relevant, the need to respond asap is gone
- I used to feel so rushed, hurried in my thoughts
- Now there is a silent space, a relaxing into things,
- an awareness I feel a process of how you would like to choose how to respond
- A choice on how you would prefer to deal with it
- This preference is very loving to me
- I actually am aware that I deeply care about how I feel
- Coming from a place of love, being actually gentle with myself
- Profound reverence for what emotions I choose to engage in.
- This is a whole new way to live, it is beautiful
- I feel stronger emotionally, physically, mentally & spiritually
- This gives me much energy and I feel very empowered
- I woke up in the morning & felt so different, it was a massive change
- I used to wake up feeling like I just want the day to be over, kinda an exhausted dread
- Almost like feeling trapped, like I am unable to even navigate my own life anymore
- I woke up today to realize, “I can’t believe the way I used to feel”
- I was so used to feeling terrible that the contrast was profound
- I woke up this morning and wanted to do things, talk to people, share, move around,
- do things, actually was excited about my day, this is a completely new experience for me
- I did not realize the density I was used to feeling, it was lifted
- I feel a huge sense of relief
- I feel like I woke up today and it was so different
- I looked forward to what I would do with my time today
- Huge shift for me
- My natural tendencies want to flow.
- I feel focused and want to write and the writing is productive and supportive, etc
- I feel like I can make things happen in my life
- Feel like the time to get projects started
- I am experiencing the feeling of being taught, informed and gently guided through the field that clears the energy.
- I feel clearly supported.
- My thoughts flow with less interference, my connection to my higher self and guides feel stronger.
- I felt that perhaps new guides had come or perhaps the connection with my higher self & guides was now felt way more clearly.
- My interaction with the field feels very familiar & comforting, like I am being held.