So where, do I begin. I have had my machine for about two months now and it has made a huge difference in my life. At first I was very skeptical about it. But looking at information from Bruce Lipton about the energy body, the way the machine works and how it effects space and the body made a huge amount of sense to me. In short, the human body is on one level physical and there is no doubt about that, but on another level all thing are energy, and every organ in the body has a different, yet specific energetic pattern. For example, you heart had one energetic pattern, and your lungs have another energetic pattern. When each organ is resonating (vibration) at there specific energetic pattern, it creates harmony within the human body. But when one organ is out of alignment. it creates discord within the totality of the human body.
And this is how the energy machine works, it emits an energetic pattern which pushes the body back into its natural state of being. With this all said, I would say that the machines is the best (out of all the energy machines, I have experienced) , and has created alot of magic and harmony within my life.