Hey you two – great video. Thanks so much for sharing! We look forward to receiving more updates! Listening to your experiences, I had an AHA! moment I wanted to share. Lately, I seem to have more ‘space’ – the word that came to mind to reflect my state of ‘being’. I still have the same amount on my “to do list” but I no longer feel pressured, responsible or stressed out by it. I am more relaxed, content and allow whatever “needs” to be done to surface – do what I feel guided to do and carry on. It is truly an amazing experience coming from one who, in the past, “needed” to be “in-control” and pressured to be all things to everyone. My friend Beulah asked me recently what I see myself doing in the next year or so and without much thought I shared that it really isn’t something I even think about – I am content with what is happening right now and trust that whatever is in my future is/will be just part of the plan – I trust and am willing to just be. What a revelation!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for being in my life and being part of that plan that has brought me to this wonderful ‘space’! Love you both, Jeanne