It has been an interesting two weeks with the scalar wave unit. I have had good results both waking and sleeping. I think there has been a stabilization in my mental health and I sure needed it. I tested the unit with several other people downstairs one night. Two people were remarkably relaxed and calmer. One person was telling jokes at a rapid fire rate. He was sparkling and laughing. Another individual suddenly started openly flirting with a man in whom she had long been interested but was too repressed to express her interest. One man who was always dominating other people announced he felt he should leave and departed. He was contrite. So the results seemed to confirm that the box has an effect on people, re balancing or creating different routes of attention.
I have also noticed dreams which are vivid. There was quite a shift recently in the building in terms of politics and I dreamt of the spying on people involved in these maneuvers. So it has been an adventure.
Good work on the computer problem. See you soon.