Hello Bill and Ann ,
I just thought I would give you and update on how things are going. As you know I have had a rocky roller coaster couple of years , in just a week after listening to my tones and drinking my water , I could not have imagined there would have been this big of a change so quickly.
After my first session I noticed how relaxed I was , I didn’t know how to relax the feeling was very new , to let go of the whole day and know it was ok , I’m not super mom and i don’t need to save everyone and everything from destruction was like that first morning cup of coffee .. something I know I cannot go without .
After the private session with Bill (you are amazing brother) I noticed my face felt funny and I couldn’t figure it out . All day I kept looking in the mirror and mostly at my mouth because it felt different. After the group session with Bill and Ann I figured it out … my mouth felt funny because when I smiled both corners went up … not just one side but both… it felt like i had been at the dentist for years and my smile had been numbed with freezing … I cannot remember the last time i really truly smiled without numbness.
I know the right side is how I feel towards the people around me and I was numb everywhere I just did not know it . Now my smile meets my eyes , I look even younger and I have been told it looks like i have a personal secret that I want to share yet hold onto because its too good to let go…and they are right !!… I love me , Im in love with me , and I know I am worthy of all the love I am about to receive from the world myself included and not one person can have that … I am not numb anymore and it gets better everyday that I listen to my tones , I stopped yelling and my kids are not sure what to do with it , it makes me laugh , And that in itself is new..laughing….. I am looking forward to moving forward YAY ME!!!
Thank-you Bill and Ann I love you both !!!!