The agenda is still flowing but there so many brilliant things coming together…
Friday evening from 7:30 to 10:00 pm –
- Andrea and others will kick off the weekend right with a discussion and session with an Intro and then a 45-minute session led by Andrea on Consciousness in Life, Love, and Business
- Followed by a group sound session
- What do we mean by a sound session/mediation? (No we are not talking crystal bowls and gongs here:)To facilitate this transformational experience we use; state of the art technology, scalar energy, structured water and group-specific frequencies. Taking a voice sample from the group creates these “group specific frequencies”. The sample is analyzed by the world’s leading voice analysis software and a completely unique soundtrack is created. This soundtrack is then played through scalar technology and speakers to create a unique group sound meditation session. This amazing combination of audio and scalar energy supports you in accelerating the release of blocks holding you back from your inner guidance. Each group meditation provides a unique transformation opportunity for you.
Saturdays events from 9:30 am to 9:30 pm – including lunch,snacks and dinner together:)
- Doors open at 8:30 am to come tune in and connect
- Speakers begin at 9:30 am – Saturdays speakers and events include:
- Andrea and Bill from Clearly Conscious
- Accessing your Hearts Intelligence with Jeanne Hoag from Divine Guidance
- Darlene Gillrie will take us through – What is Frequency?? How can I talk to my body?? How do I know what I really want to do with my life?? My relationships?? My Career?? How do I make great choices?? So many Questions!!! What if there were a quick and easy way to have all the answers you desire. Join me and we will explore Energy and How it Works with ease and Grace.
- An after-dinner event lead by Bill and Andrea combining technology, eye gazing and light language with an eye gazing exercise
Sundays events from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm – including lunch and snacks together….
- Doors open at 8:30 am to come tune in and connect
- Open the morning with Jeanne and Farren using heart math and dance
- A one-hour session led my Sean Widmer to take us on an adventure into our hearts to explore universal love and our true interconnection with all that is
- Rowan Will lead us in her workshop called “The Universe Within – Accessing The Innernet “ –An adventure of discovery in the incredible art of being, of loving who you are.
- Join Sharie Hohn, Master Herbalist and Wholistic Consultant, for an insightful workshop on “dis-eases” of the heart, the belief systems and emotions attached to them and how we can clear the “stuff” we hold onto to enable our hearts to heal, both emotionally and physically.