Long story short… We need it !!. (lol). Who’s the we ? Ann, me (bill), our families and friends…..
Since Ann and I have joined together it has been an interesting ride. We would make progress, meet some beautiful people who join us on the journey of Love and Consciousness , then WHAM !!!! WTF, slammed down… Seems like 3 steps ahead and 2 back… We would spend days and sometimes weeks getting ourselves cleared enough to move forward again…Then WHAM…. After one of our trips across Canada it might take weeks or months to recover…..and get enough enthusiasm built to venture out again…
It was so F&*%@# much work to keep moving ahead. Exhausting really.. We used healers, energy workers, crystals etc. etc .etc. etc. etc. etc to try and keep clear. We would get clear then next day… WHAM.. WTF… We had an energy tool (that I paid a lot for BTW) that helped but it took HOURS and HOURS… sometimes in the middle of the night.. .(UGH).. It was the most effective as it was impartial and carried no opinions or stories.. lol
So you guessed it… I spend 1000’s of hours automating the technology to create a service you can use… Our way of giving back to humanity and to those who want to move forward in LOVE….