This is a list of things that our clients have observed when using personal frequencies, structured water and/or the IQubes. Each person and client is unique so each experience is different.
- Efficiency
- Clarity of Mind
- Problem Solving Ability
- Absence of Confusion
- Enhanced Intuition
- Are you:
- Less anxious
- Less Stressed
- Less confused
- Less Depressed
- Are you more:
- Balanced
- Peaceful
- Joyful
- Calm
- Dwelling less on negative emotions and drama
- Less likely to get involved in the drama of life’s events and more inclined to observe and witness while maintaining a peaceful state
- Observe or witness negative events transpiring instead of engaging, participating or getting involved in the drama
- More objective about the events occurring in your life?
- Decreasing time to deal with a challenging or difficult emotion or event?