I thought I would take this opportunity to share with you directly my experiences with the IQube energy since Bill’s arrival back in Regina at the end of December. I suspect, from my conversations with Bill, that other than yourselves and those working with you in Arkansas I have had the most sustained exposure to the most number of cubes than most people. I have shifted through many experiences and shed a lot of energetic baggage over this time. And for that I am grateful. Bill has heard many of these experiences so I am not going go through them all right now.
For the better part of the time since Bill has been back the following cubes have been running in the house: 2 focus cubes, an empowerment cube, a performance cube, a protection cube and a rejuvenation cube (I’m not sure if Bill is running both or just one?) It is an amazing experience and I welcome the shifts. The last 2 days I have been exhausted. Not being able to sleep until late and when I have gone to sleep I have dreamed like crazy so even when i have been sleeping I am not getting any rest. Hence, in the morning I have been more exhausted than when I went to bed the night before. When I got home from work yesterday Bill informed me that, that afternoon, he had shut everything off except for 2 focus cubes and we jointly decided to leave all of the energy off last night. As a result I had the best sleep I have had in weeks. I have had similar experiences with the icube energy in the past year – where I have been exposed to a lot the technology, had shifts, been out of the energy and felt like new again. My theory about this experience of personal/spiritual growth through the technology is that it is much like breathing. All living beings (animal, plant, minerals, the universe) breathe in and breathe out. For me this is a great analogy for the icube energy – when the energy is running it is like taking a big inhale, taking in that oxygen that is necessary to grow, to heal, to thrive….and then an exhale is required….ie turning the energy off to allow for integration. It is all about cycles/circles. For me it is the same reason, as humans we have to sleep. Sleep is the time we rest, rejuvenate, heal our physical bodies. I feel that this is the same for our energetic bodies. Integration is key to the process. This morning I asked Bill to turn off all of the icubes (except for the focus cubes) to honor this process for me.
My healing/spiritual path is not a race, it is not about seeing how much energy I can cope with to push me through as much of my stuff in as short a period of time as possible. I, like a lot of people you will be selling this technology to, are seeking balance – balancing working through our stuff, and being able to function. The world we humans have created this time around is so clearly out of balance and I believe one of the big lessons we are all here to learn is balance. I also recognize that there is all kinds of other energy that has been affecting me over the last few days – the full moon, and goodness know what astrological/astronomical events are going on at the moment. All the more reason to be conscious about the energy that we can directly turn on and turn off. I also know that each of the cubes affects me differently – the focus cube and rejuvenation cube always enhance my life. Adding the theta love cube and empowerment cube also seems to have beneficial effect on me. It is the performance cube that I need a rest. Clearly this will be different for different people depending on ‘where they are it’. And I am sure is/will be different for me, depending on where I am at, at any given time.
Thanks to you and Bob for bringing this technology in. It is a gift, and part of what is required to assist people through this great shift in consciousness.
love beyond all understanding