Liam test…
HappyZapper (13)
You will get an email when it starts similar to this ;
Hey “your name” a HAPPYZAPPER heads up! Started your boost at 2:06:29 PM
When HappyZapper is done there are two types of email you will receive…
1) If your field was clear it will look like this.
FYI: it is common for it to run 30 minutes.
Hey “your name”, you are Clean and sparkly. Your HAPPY ZAP took 27 minutes End: 7:11:48 AM
Your complete Quantum session took 27 minutes.
* Energy Boost took 14
* Feel Good Boost took 12 minutes.
Your service expires in ### days…
2) If your field needs some polishing….
FYI: it is common for it to run 45-90 minutes.
Hey “Your name”. HAPPY ZAPPER scrubbing SUCCESS !! ! It took 67 mins. FYI: Incoherancy detected on Emotional Level – Ended: 6:41:59 AM
Your complete Quantum session took 67 minutes.
* Energy Boost took 13
– Zap the Crap 1 minutes.
– Cut the Threads 23 minutes.
– Dumping the Junk 3 minutes.
– Punt the Pain ## minutes.
– Lighten the Gloom ## minutes.
– Expand your Universe 3 minutes.
* Feel Good Boost took 13 minutes.
Your service expires in ### days…
Once you are in the HappyZapper system it runs automatically.. You don’t need to take any action.
Noppers… Most people don’t feel a thing… but notice they are feeling better after completion of a Zap…
We do have HappyZapper community members that do sense when they are being worked on…
You will get an email when it starts similar to this ;
Hey “your name” a HAPPYZAPPER heads up! Started your boost at 2:06:29 PM
When HappyZapper is done there are two types of email you will receive…
1) If your field was clear it will look like this. FYI: it is common for it to run 30 minutes.
Hey “your name”, you are Clean and sparkly. Your HAPPY ZAP took 27 minutes End: 7:11:48 AM
Your complete Quantum session took 27 minutes.
* Energy Boost took 14
* Feel Good Boost took 12 minutes.
Your service expires in ### days…
2) If your field needs some polishing….
FYI: it is common for it to run 45-90 minutes.
Hey “Your name”. HAPPY ZAPPER scrubbing SUCCESS !! ! It took 67 mins. FYI: Incoherancy detected on Emotional Level – Ended: 6:41:59 AM
Your complete Quantum session took 67 minutes.
* Energy Boost took 13
– Zap the Crap 1 minutes.
– Cut the Threads 23 minutes.
– Dumping the Junk 3 minutes.
– Punt the Pain ## minutes.
– Lighten the Gloom ## minutes.
– Expand your Universe 3 minutes.
* Feel Good Boost took 13 minutes.
Your service expires in ### days…
Pretty easy… How much do you pay for a massage, or a healing….???? $40-100 per hour ???
The basic Happy Zapper is designed to run Quantum Energy ( and scalar) on “you” 2 time a day..The frequency per day does vary as it is impossible to determine how long each person/ place in the queue takes to complete…
Okay, stay with me here… lol… If you are Happy Zapped 2 times per day (60 per month), each for 30-90 minutes ..then, (lets use 45 min per Zap average) that means you get 1.5 hours per day… X (times) 30 days in a month = 22.5 hours of energy work per month….
A healer doing remote clearings on you might charge $50 per hour (some in the hundreds)… that would cost you $1125 per month.
We feel the $rate per month is VERY reasonable at $1-3 per clearing.
Our intention is to ‘clear’ you on average twice a day… This will vary from time to time as it is NOT possible to predict the duration for each clearing. For each “system”, approximately 20 beings / spaces are Zapped.
Spaces are sometimes clearly more frequently as they are quicker to clear.
This can sometimes occur if there is turmoil or interference within your life.. Often after drinking too much or having an argument etc. incoherence is detected and cleared. You can have some fun with the system by observing what is going on in your life and see if it corresponds to what the HappyZapper works on…
Clients have informed us that this is quite entertaining attempting to correlate what is detected and what they were thinking of or what they were doing at the time… It can even be used as a simple guidance system to help you navigate away from areas of concern…
We kinda describe it as an energetic shower. We run a number 9+ different highly sophisticated energy protocols on you…. then finish with what we call the “Happy Zap” at the end…
Here is what one person said…
“I was skeptical but open to trying it and I’m so glad I did. I didn’t think there would be such a notable difference from the distance HappyZap sessions. There have been many times I’ve gone from feeling anxious or down to sporadically feeling uplifted and optimistic.. Happy. When that’s happened I’ve been a bit confused at first as to why I was all of a sudden feeling good. But then I made the correlation when I discovered those times matched the times the HappzZapper had done a session on me. Now I love checking the emails when I’m feeling awesome to see when the Zap last ran. “
The HappyZapper (HZr) runs 9 distinct functions focused on clearing you.. It generally finishes with an energy boast of feel good frequencies. I can turn off the last HappyZap boost if you want to stay in your misery. LOL..
The HZr system starts by attempting to perform a body electric balance, kinda like giving you an energy massage.. If there is any incoherent (not in alignment with your Wellness) energy detected while it performs the balance process the HZr automagically performs 7 very powerful clearing functions until the you are clear… This is why we can’t predict how long it will take… Everyone is different… After that, it adds a energetic Happy boost…
So sorry, but we will not give you details of what protocols I use etc. Gotta keep the secrets to myself… (wink wink) but the focus and our intention is on reversing energies that are affecting your ability to live a happy and joyful life.
When you are clear your life unfolds quickly…Now is the time for rapid transformation…
NOTE: We are not here to sell you anything…. just sharing a tool that works for us.
We need your Full name (birth name or current name), date, time and location of birth.. A current picture is helpful as well.
As well, if you want email notifications we will need your email…..
Kinda hard to explain…. okay here goes….
Everything is energy.. right ?? if you don’t agree with this STOP READING.. the rest won’t make any sense…. You might even think I/we are nuts… arguably maybe ..LOL..
NOTE: You will have to scroll down to read the rest…
HappyZapper is many thousands of lines of customer written computer code developed (by me) over the past few years.. Simply put, it automates a Quantum Computer Program (I did not create the QCP) that is normally run manually by a qualified operator, me. It used to take me hours and hours at a cost of $100’s of dollars to clients to do the work we now offer as a service. There are 1000’s of features in the QCP (future features… hint hint) but at the moment we need 10 functions to work in synergy in clearing your field of energy.. Kinda like giving you a Quantum ZAP to clear the crap…LOL
Literally 1000’s of hours or patience has been spent creating and testing the automations. We completely believe in this service.. I feel it work on me often and subsribe my family and friends… Sorry for swearing but this shit works…
For the record I only know 2 things… Everything is energy and this journey is about LOVE. I/we don’t frickin understand how Quantum mechanics, etc.etc.etc work… Happy Zapper uses many localized (in person) features of the QCP to provide a Zapper eco (it is highly complex) system for non-local (distant) energy clearing work… That means the system can affect you anywhere on earth… or the universe…
Like the internet, cell phones, TV’s etc. you don’t have to understand them to use them. We use what we don’t understand to help those choosing LOVE..
If you don’t get it.. don’t sweat it, neither do we.. it works even if you don’t understand it.
The choice is completely yours of course. Do Ann and I use the service.??? ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY YES.!!!
I hope you got the point on this one… LOL Okay, seriously why.. It help keep you sparkly and clear… You don’t really “need” to shower/bath do you, but you choose to (okay most of us…Lol) … Why shower, I wonder if it is so you can participate in the society we have created here on earth, or so you can feel clean and ready to take on the life you are living etc. etc.. This service is kinda like an energetic shower. It helps you, kids, home, work, pets etc etc. clear.
We want to assure you that this is not just for those who are struggling, it is for any and all people, places etc.
All things are energy. You are a being of energy just like trillions of others in the universe. Many believe that all beings want to help you succeed. I used to have that pattern of belief .. I still hold to it ..mostly. lol My life journey has demonstrated that this IS NOT the case.. okay at least for myself, Ann and hundreds of others.
It seems that as you move forward in your life, to ‘raise’ your vibration and wake the f%^$ up..(oops lol) the more you are noticed by “team failure”… or team ‘take you out’… I am attempting to be light about this in case you didn’t notice. Seriously though, we have found this service just helps you be you.. less suspect to crap influencing “you”. My attitude is, when you want to make a difference in humanity use any tool that works… THIS ONE DOES…
Long story short… We need it !!. (lol). Who’s the we ? Ann, me (bill), our families and friends…..
Since Ann and I have joined together it has been an interesting ride. We would make progress, meet some beautiful people who join us on the journey of Love and Consciousness , then WHAM !!!! WTF, slammed down… Seems like 3 steps ahead and 2 back… We would spend days and sometimes weeks getting ourselves cleared enough to move forward again…Then WHAM…. After one of our trips across Canada it might take weeks or months to recover…..and get enough enthusiasm built to venture out again…
It was so F&*%@# much work to keep moving ahead. Exhausting really.. We used healers, energy workers, crystals etc. etc .etc. etc. etc. etc to try and keep clear. We would get clear then next day… WHAM.. WTF… We had an energy tool (that I paid a lot for BTW) that helped but it took HOURS and HOURS… sometimes in the middle of the night.. .(UGH).. It was the most effective as it was impartial and carried no opinions or stories.. lol
So you guessed it… I spend 1000’s of hours automating the technology to create a service you can use… Our way of giving back to humanity and to those who want to move forward in LOVE….