Liam test…
Cool things we have learned.. (1)
Here is an ever growing list of some creative ways we and the community use the personal frequencies/tones:
1. Use an affirmation like “I am Love”.. “I am healed”.. “I am whole”.. You create one that resonates for you.
2. Get a voice sample during a time of “crisis” to help clear that pattern that exists within you.
3. Set an intention to help clear specific patterns you have seen in yourself like “I let go of anger and replace it with love!!!”
4. Create “couple” or “family” set of tones using the voices of one or more people. You can simply use the Bay Bee Bye Bow Boo statement or try looking into each others eyes and say “I love you” over and over. What a great way to help balance the patterns and energy within a relationship or within a family unit..
5. Try setting intentions for your life while listening to your tones. It is the optimal time to assist in changing long standing patterns in your life.
6. Look in the mirror and say I love you over and over to yourself. The voice sample will create a set of tones designed to assist you in letting go of the blocks that are stopping you from loving yourself!!
Personal Sound Frequencies (10)
We would say NO:) LOL.. However that is up to you:) Personal frequencies are a tool that can help you through your life at all times. A new set of tones during a time of crisis will assist you in releasing the “emotional charge” around the situation. They are also an amazing tool to help get you balanced at any time in your life. They can be used at all times to help you move through your life.
We do not recommend that you play your personal CD while driving as the frequencies are stepped down into the Alpha, Theta and Delta ranges to promote deep relaxation. This may impact on your reaction times and motor coordination.
Personal sound frequencies can be listened to on a headset or on on any decent set of speakers. You should not listen to your personal sound frequencies through a built in speaker to a phone or computer. However they can be played on your computer or phone by hooking them up to an external speaker or headset.
Unlike many practices you can keep going on with your day and still benefit from personal sound frequencies. You can be cooking, cleaning, on the computer or commuting on the train and listen to your tones. They work and will help anytime of day. As long as you can hear them they will be working with you to balance your energy field.
No you do not need an IQube to benefit from your personal frequencies. Simply by listening to your tones you should begin to notice subtle changes in you. But remember you need to listen for them to work:)
However if you wish to deepen the impact of your personal sound frequencies there is benefit from using an IQube technology. You can do this by experiencing a individual sound session with a local sound coach, experience a Group Sound Event or you can purchase one of our IQube technologies. Click here to find a local sound coach near you to experience the technology today.
Here is an ever growing list of some creative ways we and the community use the personal frequencies/tones:
1. Use an affirmation like “I am Love”.. “I am healed”.. “I am whole”.. You create one that resonates for you.
2. Get a voice sample during a time of “crisis” to help clear that pattern that exists within you.
3. Set an intention to help clear specific patterns you have seen in yourself like “I let go of anger and replace it with love!!!”
4. Create “couple” or “family” set of tones using the voices of one or more people. You can simply use the Bay Bee Bye Bow Boo statement or try looking into each others eyes and say “I love you” over and over. What a great way to help balance the patterns and energy within a relationship or within a family unit..
5. Try setting intentions for your life while listening to your tones. It is the optimal time to assist in changing long standing patterns in your life.
6. Look in the mirror and say I love you over and over to yourself. The voice sample will create a set of tones designed to assist you in letting go of the blocks that are stopping you from loving yourself!!
You can get a new set of personal frequencies in person by visiting your local sound coach or you can get a new set using your cell phone. Click here for details on how to get our new tones today!
We always say that you should listen to your own intuition but as a guide we would suggest at least once a day. Some people find that they benefit from listening to their tones when they are feeling off, angry or upset. Others find them great to listen to just before they go to bed and others listen while they are meditating or others listen while they are cooking or cleaning. Find a time that makes it easy and works for you. The easier you make it the more inclined you are to listening on a frequent basis.
We would suggest that you commit to listening to your tones for at least 30 days. Change takes time but most of our clients see some shift or change in their lives after consistently listening to their tones.
What kind of changes might I see? Click here to see some of the results or changes people have observed by listening to their tones.
Sound can be a powerful tool but when you combine sound with the technology from Quantum Sound Therapy you have a winning combination. We take the power of sound to a whole new level. When you can play your personal frequencies through an IQube the impact of the personal frequencies is deeper. It provides a “Boost” in your energy field to dislodge deep patterns and stores/beliefs that each of us carries in our field. When we remove these blocks in our field our lives are easier, less stress and we are happier.
To learn more about an IQube see details at: IQube descriptions.
We would suggest you use your own intuition on deciding when you need new tones. Some clients have had the same set for a year and others get new tones once every several months and others every few weeks. Each new set of tones is like peeling off another layer of the onion (so to speak). The more you listen and the more you update them the more the will work with you to release old patterns that are holding you back in your life. If you are looking for a tool that can assist in your evolution than nothing gets as easy as this one.