DebDeb shares the amazing journey of transformation that has taken place in her life since using eh IQube technologies…
Ontario, Canada
This is Fran Adams. I am the one who won the Empowerment IQube from the …. Event with Sai Maa. I am eternally grateful to you for this marvelous device!!!! It is already helping me, and I am so happy and so grateful!!!! My mind is so much clearer and more quiet. I feel a sense of well-being, that I haven’t had in years! I am happier and laughing more. I am more energetic. I am more positive in general. And the interesting thing, is that my husband, who doesn’t know much about these thi… Read more
FranNow that I have my Empowerment IQube, I would never want to be without it! I am amazed at how quickly the benefits begin….it is soooo nice! Now I want to share this amazing technology with everyone…..everyone needs to have this in their homes! If people understood what a difference it makes, they would most assuredly want to have such a God-given device for themselves, and their loved ones. I am feeling better everyday. I actually took two walks yesterday, instead of my usual one walk….and that … Read more