So we have been learning more ourselves and from our customers about different ways to get more out of your pocket IQube. This is what we have so far. We will add to this list once in awhile, so check back for updates or help us add tips as you learn to use it too!!!
1. Andreas favourite track when she is in crowds and feeling funky is to play the “Protection” track from the PM list on repeat:)
2. Bills favourite in crowds or when he is feeling funny is to play the Emotional Balance track on repeat.
3. If your digestion is off or you are feeling nauseous try playing the digestion track on the AM list on repeat.
4. Bills favourite when he is feeling stiff and sore is to play magnesium on the PM list on repeat. He loves it especially when we are driving long distances.
5. Play your tones through your pocket silently during the day or at night. To get more from your tones check out the FAQ section on Personal Frequencies at: FAQ. Consider getting new tones in the heat of an emotion or drama in your life to capture the “energy of the moment” and use those frequencies to help you let go. You will find the instruction and process to get new tones using a cell phone at: Personal Frequencies Purchase Page.
6. When needing to let go of a pattern or energy try a “discharge process”. Place the Pocket IQube in your right hand and say “Let it go” over and over. When it feels right for you place it in the lefthand to “recharge” until you feel balanced. If this does not feel right to you try the reverse!!!